
"Power yoga works because it is simple and right in line with how your body is designed to move and operate. You start where you are with whatever level ability you have. Strength comes with time, as long as the spirit of willingness is there."  Baron Baptiste  


power 45



Fast track your day in the 45 min lunch time practice. Get ready to sweat, be challenged, and have fun!  Based on the Baptiste sequence, students flow from pose to pose, utilizing the principles of alignment, personal awareness and breath.  Expect to be transformed! Heated class!!!

power 60



Go a little deeper into the Journey Into Power sequence.  Students flow from pose to pose, utilizing the principles of alignment, personal awareness and breath. Have FUN in this powerful practice. Expect to be transformed! Heated Class!!




A deeply powerful slow flow class with less heat and chaturanga. This practice is more on breathwork in action, connecting with your intention, while experimenting with your own practice. Modifications will be called, yet pushing towards your edge is possible. Come and find strength with stillness and leave stronger, more grounded, and find freedom in letting go. Heated class




This class is for beginners or anyone interested in a slower pace.  It is designed as an introduction to the Journey Into Power sequence.  You will be instructed on breathing and the foundations of the transformative yoga practice.  
Anyone wanting to work on your yoga foundation, breath and alignment this class is for you. Heated Class



Ignite your inner fire! Set to a great playlist. This rocking power vinyasa class is a great way to end your week.  It will challenge you, make you smile (maybe sing).  Get ready to sweat, tap into your deepest potential and push the limits of what 's possible.  Heated Class.




Established to allow access to yoga for everyone!  Get ready to sweat, be challenged, and have FUN!!  Students flow from pose to pose, utilizing the principles of alignment, personal awareness and breath.  Expect to be transformed!

This class tends to be big so sign-up to reserve your space. (If you have a reservation, you must arrive at least 5 minutes before the beginning of class or your space will be given up.) Heated Class

heated barre 60


Barre classes are designed to strengthen, lengthen and tone the whole body through elements of Pilates, dance and yoga. These exercises are low impact but may offer adjustable cardio bursts to improve your cardiovascular endurance. Heated class


vin yoga


Vin yoga is slow paced class where we hold poses for up to 3 minutes. You will use props (block, blanket and strap) to assist in getting a deeper stretch. The poses will allow an opening of your fascia tissue and you will find new depths in your yoga practice. This class is a great complement to your fitness routine to balance it out. Heated class

power ease into Yin 60


You will start this class with a slow power ease flow and transition into a deep stretching yin class. The best of both worlds! You won’t want to miss this class. Heated class